Family Photojournalism and Family Documentary Photography speak to my heart but it's really hard for me to put into words exactly why. I guess it's the rawness. It's the honesty. It's the nostalgia. It's the acceptance. Accepting life for what it is and making a tangible memory out of it.
I love that I'm growing a collection of images for my children of their childhood. After all, they're the reason I pick up my camera in the first place.
It's been awhile since I committed to a few hours of personal storytelling. I picked up my camera today and documented my morning. I've been dealing with some anxiety lately. Add in a bunch of cardiology appointments and tests that are leaving me feeling more and more anxious. It's a vicious cycle. Picking up my camera on a rainy morning was just the medicine that I needed.
I know that a lot of you are interested in this type of photography for your own family but have fears and reservations. I get that. I sometimes feel vulnerable taking or sharing certain photos too! I hope that as you get to more about me, you will feel a little more comfortable and maybe even brave enough to try out a Documentary Style Session for yourself. In the meantime, check back to see what else I'm brave enough to share over here on the blog ;)